Knife River Set to Join S&P MidCap 400; Bank of Hawaii to Join S&P SmallCap 600

Knife River Corp. and Bank of Hawaii Corp. are set to make their entry into the S&P MidCap 400 and S&P SmallCap 600 indexes, respectively


Knife River Corp. and Bank of Hawaii Corp. are set to make their entry into the S&P MidCap 400 and S&P SmallCap 600 indexes, respectively. These changes come as a result of the spin-off of Knife River Corp. from MDU Resources Group Inc. and the replacement of HomeStreet Inc. by Bank of Hawaii Corp.

Knife River Corp. to Join S&P MidCap 400

Effective from Thursday, June 1, Knife River Corp., identified by the ticker symbol KNF, will become a part of the S&P MidCap 400 index. This move follows the company's spin-off from MDU Resources Group Inc., which will continue to be included in the S&P MidCap 400. Knife River Corp., a player in the construction materials industry, will now join the ranks of other mid-cap companies in this index.

Bank of Hawaii Corp. to Replace HomeStreet Inc. in S&P SmallCap 600

Effective from Friday, June 2, Bank of Hawaii Corp., known by the ticker symbol BOH, will replace HomeStreet Inc. in the S&P SmallCap 600 index. HomeStreet Inc. is no longer representative of the small-cap market space, thus making way for Bank of Hawaii Corp. to enter the index. This development reflects the dynamic nature of the market, with companies being evaluated and selected based on their market capitalization and other relevant factors. For Bank of Hawaii Corp., this inclusion represents a notable achievement, solidifying its position as a key player in the small-cap market segment.

Members of LevelFields received the alert of this event on May 25, 6:35 PM ET

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