KNOT Offshore Partners LP CEO Gary Chapman Resigns

KNOT Offshore Partners LP, announced today that its CEO and CFO, Gary Chapman, has given notice of his intention to resign from his positions in the company

Leadership Changes

April 12, 2023

KNOT Offshore Partners LP, an owner and operator of shuttle tankers, announced today that its CEO and CFO, Gary Chapman, has given notice of his intention to resign from his positions in the company. Chapman has decided to pursue an opportunity outside of the shuttle tanker sector.

Smooth Transition Ahead

Chapman will remain available to assist the Partnership in his current roles for up to six months to facilitate a smooth transition and help find and appoint a suitable successor.

Chairman's Appreciation

Trygve Seglem, Chairman of KNOP's Board of Directors, expressed his gratitude to Chapman for his leadership and clarity during a challenging transitional period for the Partnership and the shuttle tanker industry. The Board thanks him for his significant contribution to KNOP and appreciates his continued support as the company seeks a new CEO.

Members of LevelFields received the alert of this event on April 10, 7:25 AM ET

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